Interface: Vehicle - Sanger Vehicle Detection Systems

Architecture Flow Definitions
traffic probe data (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Vehicle data that is used to determine traffic conditions. In a basic implementation, the data could be limited to time stamped unique identifiers that can be used to measure a vehicle�s progress through the network. In more advanced implementations, the vehicle may report current position, speed, and heading and snapshots of recent events including route information, starts and stops, speed changes, and other information that can be used to estimate traffic conditions.
traffic probe reporting management (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Data used to manage probe data reporting by vehicles. This flow indicates to the vehicle when to report probe data, the type of probe data to send, and thresholds for nominal conditions when sending data can be skipped.
vehicle intersection safety data (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Vehicle path and acceleration data provided by vehicles approaching or occupying an intersection. It identifies the intersection, vehicle position and motion, the anticipated lane and movement that will be used in the intersection, and notification of potential violations or other detected safety hazards.
vehicle profile (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Information about a vehicle including vehicle type and equipment capabilities.