Site Navigation
The purpose of this ITS architecture web site is to encourage use of the ITS architecture and gather feedback so that the architecture is used and continues to reflect the intelligent transportation system vision for the region. Below are components of the website to help the user navigate through to find information about their ITS program or the broader regional ITS program.
Menu Bar
The menu at the left provides access to the overview and How To information about using the ITS architecture and separates all components of the ITS architecture into individual web pages. The menu will remain on the left edge of the web site.
This web site provides a lot of information that defines the ITS functionality and programs throughout the region or state. A hyperlink in one web page may take the user to a separate web page that is directly associated that has additional hyperlinks to find further information, or it may take the user to a web page that provides information about a standard or functional description. The menu on the left will highlight where a hyperlink has taken the user to find the additional information sought after.
Email or Fax Comments
A link is provided at the bottom of each web page of this web site which will open up an email to send direct any comments/feedback back to Fresno COG directly. Additionally, on the Project Support page a Fax number is provided to send any comments/feedback to Fresno COG. If the user would like to provide comments/input on the use, detail, information contained in this web site, please be specific on which page your comment/input is focused on. This will help Fresno COG address your email correctly.