TMC Traffic Metering Functional Area


Remotely controls ramp meters, interchange connector meters, and mainline meters, covering all types of metering as well as management of bypass lanes.

Included In

Caltrans D6/CHP Central Valley TMC
CSU Fresno Research Program
Local Jurisdiction Public Works
Caltrans D7 TMC
Caltrans D10 TMC
Caltrans D8 TMC
Caltrans D5 TMC

Functional Requirements

1The center shall remotely control systems to manage use of the freeways, including ramp, interchange, and mainline metering.
2The center shall collect operational status from ramp meters, interchange meters, and mainline meters and compare against the control information sent by the center.
3The center shall collect fault data from ramp meters, interchange meters, and mainline meters.
4The center shall implement control strategies, under control of center personnel, on some or all of the freeway network devices (e.g. ramp meters, interchange meters, and mainline meters), based on data from sensors monitoring traffic conditions upstream, downstream, and queue data on the approaches to the meters.